Nous soutenir

257 Sisters

Of which 23 novices

2577 Students

Primary et secondary

21 Houses

4 Countries

France, Germany, USA, Switzerland

“As long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40)

At a glance

Briefly, this is who we are:

We are teaching Dominicans, rooted in the Languedoc region of France, cradle of the Dominican Order, the first apostolic field of Saint Dominic, sent from there to the four corners of France and of the world to sow the Truth in every direction and respond to the ideal:

“Go and preach!”

“The form of service of Christ and of apostolate which is ours is to give to children the mercy of the Truth, that is, teaching and education” (article 226 of our Constitutions).

Such is our mission, which requires that every instant be dedicated to the common good.

“One heart and one soul in the Holy Name of Jesus.”


“Walk as children of the light”

Each week, we will offer you the discovery of a few words coming from guides and witnesses, to enlighten our route. Happy reading!

This week:

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